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I-Worm.Sobig.F Virus Stopper
Now is the peak of Sobig virus epidemic. The worst thing is that you have to download tons of unwanted messages that infected by this virus. This program is intendend to help you to deal with this infected flood. Stop infected e-mails w/o download!..
Mil Firewall
Mil Firewall blocks all network attacks and information leaks from your computer. With Mil Firewall you can use Internet and local networks for work or entertainment while keeping full control over what goes in and what goes out of your computer.
Comodo Endpoint Security Manager
Comodo Business Antivirus includes Comodo's award winning firewall with Default Deny Protection(tm) and Auto Sandboxing Technology(tm) to stop known and unknown virus attacks, as well as Disk Encryption. All software can be centrally managed.
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Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
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