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Free download logic, crossword and puzzle games catalogue. Free Crosswords, Puzzles, Logic games collection. Free download of multiple puzzle, logic and crossword game. Best logic games for you.
- Version:
- Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 25/11/2003
- Program language: English
- Program System Requirements: Pentium III or compatible processor, 32MB RAM, DirectX 7.0
- OS: Win95, Win98, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000
- Primary Download: download link
- Secondary Download: download link 2
- Company: FreshGames
- Description:
Cubis Gold is a simple, highly charged puzzle game that goes beyond 2D point-and-click games. Cubis Gold's unique 3D board engages the player with colorful cubes that must be removed against the clock by matching three or more in a row, verticall...
16-Shift It!
Are you tired of playing same old Sliding Blocks type of puzzle? Try 16-Shift It! for a change. No more empty space to slide pieces into. Instead, shift the whole row or column of game blocks at once. See how it introduces a whole new challenge...
Photo to Puzzle
This is a simple and funny game. You can load your favorite photo in this program as a feature specific puzzle.
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