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- Version:
- Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 9/12/2008
- Program System Requirements: 128MB RAM, 10MB Disk Space for installation
- OS: Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinNT 3.x, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003
- Primary Download: download link
- Company: Data recovery software
- Description:
datarecoverysoftware.com offers various data backup tool including data recovery utility for USB drives. Software efficiently recovers entire lost files from logically corrupted, accidentally deleted, formatted and inaccessible USB storage media.
R-Drive Image Hard Disk Backup Software
Drive image and backup software to create exact image of a hard drive, partition or logical disk. Drive image files can be created with various compression levels without stopping Windows and stored in a variety of places, including removable media.
Compact Flash File Recovery
Mini secure digital card files recovery software restore corrupted xd picture cards images. Utility retrieve accidentally lost smart media documents audio video mp3 music song from formatted compact flash memory card and removable USB storage device.
Camera Photo Recovery
Award winning Camera Photo Recovery Software provides facility to effortlessly get back accidentally formatted image, recording video from storage media. Technically advance Photo Recovery Software recoup misplaced deleted images, audio file.
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
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