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Vendor Price: $ 199.99
License: Shareware
File Size: 13.38 Mb
Version: 1.0
Release Date:
1 Aug 2004
OS: WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003
System Requirements:
Company: Business Intelligence, Inc.
DataLinks query tool allows business and IT users to quickly and easily access their data. No ODBC, writes SQL, easiest UI on the market today with simple preview data review. Data direct to Excel or XML on the fly and easily create live links.
More to download:
ODBC Intercept
ODBC Intercept is an alternative to odbtrac and odbcspy that exposes all bi-directional ODBC communications between your application(s) and their ODBC drivers. Ideal for RDO and ADO, ODBC Intercept converts bound parameters to meaningful text...
Altova XMLSpy Enterprise Edition
Altova XMLSpy 2009 Enterprise is the industry-leading XML development environment with the top XML editor, schema designer, code generator, converters, debuggers, profilers, support for XSLT, XQuery, XBRL, WSDL, SOAP, DBs, VS.NET, Eclipse and more.
SQLDiffer is a tool for comparing two different sets of data. The results are visually displayed enabling easy comparison of the data. The data sets can be obtained from the same or different databases...
Link Spy
Link Spy is a small, fast and easy to use spy-utility, which is placed into your system tray. Link Spy detects all links and e-mail addresses copied into clipboard or dragged onto special targets...
Link Manager
Link Manager provides you with convenient and efficient ways to manage your favorite internet links. User interface is well-known to any Windows user. Data is stored in XML which gives the program yet more power.
Dynamic Link Promoter
Dynamic Link Promoter is a powerful tool for internet marketers to promote their web site and link pages over the internet. It will help you maintain your reciprocal links, generate new links, and include many other powerful functions.
MySQL Turbo Manager Enterprise
Its Graphical User Interface allows you to maintain all MySQL database objects in a simple and direct way like run SQL scripts, manage users and administrate user privileges...
Perfect Access Repair Software
Perfect Access repair software softly repair corrupt access file from Microsoft Access Database 95, 97, 2000, 2002, XP, 2003 and 2007. Free download access reader software to easily repair MDB file with fast and effective scanning features.
MDB Files
Effectively repair MDB Files damaged due to reasons like virus attack, abrupt system shut down, power sabotage, application error, jet engine failure, registry errors, corruption in the storage media, etc.
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
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