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Domino Dilemma - free download

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The ultimate domino dilemma.Can you crack it?

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  • Version: 1.2
  • Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 20/8/2002
  • Program language: English,German
  • Program System Requirements: Pentium 90
  • OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000
  • Primary Download: download link
  • Company: Sapphire Games
  • Description:
    In this perplexing puzzle, a set of dominoes will be laid out before you.There are 28 pieces with pips from 0-0 to 6-6.Easy?Unfortunately, the dominoes' outlines are not displayed, and it is your job to work out the correct positioning of each domino


Challenging puzzle game with a familiar concept and a very different twist. All game pieces have a white symbol on one side and black one on the other-flip them around to align rows/columns of 4 white symbols while avoiding to connect the black ones!

Amazing Kye - Pocket Edition

The Amazing Kye is a new type of game. It's a series of visual puzzles, many of which are in motion. The puzzles are arranged in increasing complexity. There are six tutorial puzzles that familiarize you with each puzzle piece and concept as you ...

Stony Creek

Are you bored with the same old classical puzzles ? Try our FREE "Stony Creek" puzzles !! You can choose to play for points, or time. Difficulty levels allow to test skills of a child or the most advanced player.


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Freeware Downloads - Domino Dilemma