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Call the plumber, quick because theres a leak somewhere. Hear it? DRIP DROP!

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Old games
Online Games

Editor's choice
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Play a fun and exciting casino style video slot machine game.

Darkness Game
Take control of a robotic spherical capsule, directing it through a vertical maz

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Multiplayer platform deathmatch with cavemen!

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Play a card game with Ben Franklin, and earn virtue points.

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Destroy invading aliens before they overrun the Galaxy.

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Company: Phelios Game downloads

OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinXP, Windows2000, Mac PPC


Call the plumber! Theres a leak somewhere, hear it? DRIP DROP! Oh, its DRIP DROP, a set of 3 puzzle games: Wipe out your foe with FLOOD; the animals are hungry and youll have a need to FEED! The third is CLASSIC, a tricky falling object puzzle.



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Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.

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New in Games
  1. PowerXGames Theater
  2. Extreme Injector
  3. King-war Online
  4. Sakura Day Mahjong
  5. Intrepid Racers
  6. Need For Extreme 2
  7. Snake Game
  8. Speculator: The Stock Trading Simulation
  9. The Little Monsters
Picture DripDrop