EngCalcLite(Fluid Mechanics) - Palm Calculator - free download - Free Software Download
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EngCalcLite(Fluid Mechanics) - Palm Calculator - free download. Calculator, Palm

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Vendor Price: $ 7.99
License: Demo
File Size: 0.88 Mb
Version: 1.1
Release Date: 25 Dec 2003
OS: Palm OS 3.0, Palm OS 3.1, Palm OS 3.2
System Requirements: PalmOS 3.0 to 5.c
Company: 3GR Technologies

50 Momentous Fluid Mechanics Calculator.A must have for Engineers. This Palm software program empowers you with instant references and solutions of frequently encountered calculation at your finger tips. Just few taps, and all the calculations that consumed lots of efforts and time will vanish, there by increasing efficiency. This means you will have more time to analyze your information and make better informed decisions, thus helping your company maintain a competitive edge.Scientific Evaluator - Superlative collection of Operators and instant reference to recent calculations. Memory functions etc.Bernouillis equationCritical pressure ratioFourier heat Xfer #Fourier mass Xfer #Froude #Grashof #Lewis #Mach #Nusselt #Peclet heat Xfer #Prandtl #Reynolds #Schmidt #Sherwood #Linear Thermal ExpansionWeber #Cavitation #Eckert #Specific Heat RatioStrouhal #Roughness RatioTemp RatioPressure CoefficientLift CoefficientDrag CoefficientPeclet Mass Xfer #Speed of SoundBiot #Stanton #Hydrostatic PressureNewtons Viscosity LawKinematic ViscosityCapillary Pressure in Liquid DropTensile Pipe StressTensile Stress in Spherical VesselIsentropic density-Mach # relationIsentropic pressure-Mach # relationIsentropic Temp-Mach # relationAndrades equationTransitional BL Friction Drag CoefficientCircular Disk in Normal, Creeping Flow CdCircular Disk in Parallel, Creeping Flow CdLaminar b.l. displacement thicknessLaminar b.l. thicknessLaminar b.l. momentum thicknessSutherlands EquationIsothermal Gas Layer Press-Elevation RelationAtm Press variation in troposphere and more..

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EngCalcLite(Fluid Mechanics) - Palm Calculator - free download - Free Software Download