Editor's choice |
Alpha Organizer
Store all your important personal information together in a single location.
Filo enables you to modify the date, time, and attribute properties of selec...
HTML Guardian
Encrypt HTML, SHTML, ASP, Javascript, VBScript, CSS files. Enhanced image protection.
Access Password Recovery Tool-3.0
Access Password Recovery Tool to Recover Access Database Password
Total Folder Monitor
Total Folder Monitor will watch your folders and execute predefined actions
Move Me
Move your programs and files to your new computer, leaving new software intact.
NovaNet-WEB Online Backup software. Backup and restore data across the Internet.
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Description: Free Video Studio Decompiler Extract Single Video Frames to Image Files. Powerful Decompiler that supports decompiling video files to extract the individual image frames. Supports (AVI,MPEG,WMV,ASF) to (BMP,GIF,PNG,JPEG,TIFF,EMF,WMF,PCX,TGA,J2K,RAS).
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
Top Downloads |
Download, save and convert Redtube videos ( redtube.com ) to your PC
PhotoScape is an all-in-one style photo editor with fun and ease of use.
Convert any format video files with fast speed and excellent video quality.