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Headless Zombie - free download

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It is a story about a former nobleman called Carl, who converted into a zombie.

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License: Freeware
File Size: 16.77 Mb
Version: 3.4
Release Date: 2 Jul 2016
OS: WinXP, WinVista, WinVista x64, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win2000, Windows2000, Windows2003, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Ultimate x64, Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, Win95, Win 3.1x, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Window
System Requirements: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT/XP/2003/Vista/W7, 16 MB RAM, Pentium-133 MHz, 2 MB hard disk space
Company: Falco Software Company

It is a story about a former nobleman called Carl, who converted into a zombie. Carl is trying to sort things out in his difficult situation and become a human again, but keeps losing his head again and again. Physical platformer with a twist, juicy noir graphics and amazing animation. Awesome storyline, tricky puzzles. Finish the story and find out what realy happened with Carl.

It is a story about a former nobleman called Carl, who converted into a zombie. Carl is trying to sort things out in his difficult situation and become a human again, but keeps losing his head again and again. Physical platformer with a twist, juicy noir graphics and amazing animation. Awesome storyline, tricky puzzles. Finish the story and find out what realy happened with Carl.

It is a story about a former nobleman called Carl, who converted into a zombie. Carl is trying to sort things out in his difficult situation and become a human again, but keeps losing his head again and again. Physical platformer with a twist, juicy noir graphics and amazing animation. Awesome storyline, tricky puzzles. Finish the story and find out what realy happened with Carl.

It is a story about a former nobleman called Carl, who converted into a zombie. Carl is trying to sort things out in his difficult situation and become a human again, but keeps losing his head again and again. Physical platformer with a twist, juicy noir graphics and amazing animation. Awesome storyline, tricky puzzles. Finish the story and find out what realy happened with Carl.

It is a story about a former nobleman called Carl, who converted into a zombie. Carl is trying to sort things out in his difficult situation and become a human again, but keeps losing his head again and again. Physical platformer with a twist, juicy noir graphics and amazing animation. Awesome storyline, tricky puzzles. Finish the story and find out what realy happened with Carl.

It is a story about a former nobleman called Carl, who converted into a zom

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Headless Zombie - Free Software Download