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Select the category for the financial shareware and freeware you are looking for. You can download and try out the finance software before you buy it. Some software is free and some is shareware, meaning you can try the software out, but you will need to purchase the software if you want to use it long term. Enjoy these financial software programs. We hope they help you get your finances in order and help organize your financial needs.
Cash Organizer 2007 Premium
Cash Organizer 2007 Premium includes all you need for fast and easy management of your finances. The program allows to add transactions and bills quickly, automatically generates reports convenient for viewing and controls budgets.
SprinN Standard eng
SprinN, the best prediction tool based on Artificial Intelligence techniques (Artificial Neural Networks), gives you accurate open, hold and close recommendations for your investments in Capital Markets. Up to three variables per model.
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
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