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Select the category for the financial shareware and freeware you are looking for. You can download and try out the finance software before you buy it. Some software is free and some is shareware, meaning you can try the software out, but you will need to purchase the software if you want to use it long term. Enjoy these financial software programs. We hope they help you get your finances in order and help organize your financial needs.
The Check Writing Partner
The Check Writng Partner has been specifically designed for the administration of your business or personal checkbook. Its primary goal is to facilitate the function of check writing while maintaining your checkbook's balance.
Venture Planning System Pro - VPSpro
The VPSpro is an award winning step-by-step business plan software system, which guides entrepreneurs confidentially through the research of their project on-line and helps them analyse the feasibility of their business idea or expansion.
QuickDeal is an add-on to the MetaTrader 4 trading platform for One-Click Trading. It also has some additional useful features such as Net Volume, P/L and Break-Even Price information as well as Close All button.
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
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