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Import MSG into Outlook 2007
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Vendor Price: $ 49
License: Shareware
File Size: 1.11 Mb
Version: 3.0
Release Date:
1 Dec 2011
OS: Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP
System Requirements:
Pentium II 400 MHz, 64 MB RAM, Minimum 10 MB Space
Company: Import MSG into Outlook 2007
The Import MSG into Outlook 2007 program is prepared to import MSG files into Outlook 2007 version. The software provides you the ability of importing MSG files into PST outlook format. The software converts MSG files into both ANSI and UNICODE files of the MS Outlook. User can test Import MSG into Outlook 2007 tool through the trial version, but it will import only 10 MSG files into PST Outlook 2007. You can buy full certificate of software at 49$. The software supported on XP, 2003, 2000, vista, 98, 95, windows 7. With an easy user interface to offer, the software is highly recommendable to the non-technical users.
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Download Import OST File into Outlook
A third-party OST to PST converter is programmed to fix OST file corruption errors and enables users to restore OST files in PST files. Besides the option to convert OST to PST, the software can save OST files in DBX, MSG and EML file format.
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