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- Version: 1.1a
- Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 1/11/2002
- Program language: English
- Program System Requirements: Windows 95 OSR 2 and above. Required MS ACCESS 2000 installed or ODBC drivers.
- OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000
- Primary Download: download link
- Company: Enventia Limited
- Description:
Inquiry Management System is an essential tool in today's competitive market brought to you by Enventia Limited. You can classify inquiries on a number of factors like area, media, purpose of buying, income, etc. You can send personalized mails...
Repair MDB
Kernel for Access successfully repairs mdb databases and recovers data from the corrupt and damaged MS Access files. It recovers every database item and also converts MDE file to MDB file.
Inbox Repair Tool for Outlook
Outlook PST Repair is a robust tool designed to serve PST files recovery in a quick and accurate manner regardless of the file size you have. It comes with a variety of features that no other inbox repair tool offers without breaching affordability.
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
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