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Little Shop of Treasures - free download

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Vendor Price: $ 19.95
License: Shareware
File Size: 25.02 Mb
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 12 Apr 2007
OS: Win98, WinME, WinXP, Windows2000
System Requirements: Memory:128 MB CPU:P800

Welcome to Huntington, a charming little town where if you look close enough, your dreams will come true! Help Huntington's shop owners find more than 1, 200 unique, and cleverly hidden, items for their customers and earn enough cash to open a shop of your own! Featuring two great ways to play, an innovative hint feature, endless re-playability and more, this eye-popping challenge will bend your brain and dazzle your eyes. Find your way to fun at the Little Shop of Treasures today!

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Little Shop of Treasures - Free Download