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Top Disk utility software downloads for Windows 7.
Must - have utility software for Windows 7 to improve your system efficienty.
Buy backup freeware to protect files and folders of Windows-based servers. buy the backup software program for file and folder copying, recovery, and synchronization. Run your first complete system backup after the software package download and get +1 to karma.
IQ Backup
IQ Backup offers the ultimate robust, ultra portable backup solution available for PC users of all levels. With it's easy to use yet highly configurable backup wizard, combined with it's innovative interface, IQ Backup offers easy quick and easy...
Data Recovery SIM Card
SIM card data retrieval utility recover lost, accidentally deleted text messages (inbox, outbox and draft) and phone book contact numbers (users dialed or fixed number) from the mobile cell phone SIM card memory with the help of USB SIM card reader.
Iwm Transfer SMS 2.3
Iwm Transfer SMS is an application designed for cellphones running Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 or 6.X. It could transfer Windows Mobile SMS to desktop computer for backup and later restore. Also,you could manage/view/edit/delete SMS on computer.
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
Top Downloads |
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