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Computer software utility free download catalogue! Pick an app!
System software designed to help explore, configure, optimize, and maintain the computer.
Hard drive utility software to partition, format, and keep neat the disk drives.
Windows utility software tool aggregation to measure, organise, and perfect the functionings of the computer.
Amiasoft Password
A tool to help ease your web-based existence! Not spyware - not adware! Just a great tool for the price! A few features include multi-user, Drag/drop, Passwords, Usernames, URL launch capability, random password creation and password protection.
Admin PC
Admin PC is a registry tool allowing you to restrict access to your PC in a way you decide. Hide disk drives, prevent changes to the your desktop. Protect your privacy. Functionality can be password protected to prevent tampering. Security Tool.
Active Key Logger Pro
See what happens on your PC when you're away. Protect your kids or catch cheating spouses by logging chats and instant messenger conversations. Email or FTP the results automatically to anywhere in the world with Active Key Logger Pro.
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
Top Downloads |
Download, save and convert Redtube videos ( redtube.com ) to your PC
PhotoScape is an all-in-one style photo editor with fun and ease of use.
Convert any format video files with fast speed and excellent video quality.