SmartBridge is one of the best bridge programs for Windows. Here is the the 32-bit version, with many new features! What can you do now?
You can play rubber, duplicate or pairs (10 tables) against computer, exercise your bid with more than 40 conventions, play duplicate and pairs against champions (game loaded from a Portable Bridge Notation file) or just view the stored games (1200 games from 16th Cap Gemini WTT 2002 are zipped with the program). Computer gives hints, warns when the bid is not recommended, and plays automatically, when requested. Suit division probabilities can be shown when playing from declarer.
You can store your games or games from tournaments in a .PBN file, using a powerful editor, generate deals (random or special distributions, balanced and unbalanced, singletons or voids, fit or misfit, any high-card points) and print them.
SmartBridge also provides an interface to GIB.
The look is up to Windows Solitaire standards, and if you have a sound card, you'll enjoy the voice comments and MIDI-based music. Several appearance and behavior settings can be adjusted, and an extremely detailed Help file is included.
List of features:
very accurate graphics,
more than 40 conventions,
5 C/M, canapè, ACOL, 2/1,
rubber, duplicate, pairs,
takeback bid and play,
rebid and replay,
hints during bid and play,
show estimates,
show/hide cards,
large/small cards,
cards top/down or left/right,
show played cards,
claim (automatic play),
suit division probabilities,
signals (attitude, suit preference),
interface to GIB,
hand editor,
deal with constraints,
IMPs, MPs,
read/save PBN format,
PBN game info window,
PBN game list window,
duplicate against PBN games,
PBN tournament,
print deal,
human S E N W all,
context sensitive help,
delay setting,
color setting,
MIDI music,
English French and Italian.