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Free download logic, crossword and puzzle games catalogue. Free Crosswords, Puzzles, Logic games collection. Free download of multiple puzzle, logic and crossword game. Best logic games for you.
Japan Riddles
Japan Riddles is a computer variant of popular puzzles known as Nonograms,
Griddlers, Paint by Numbers or Japan Crossword Puzzles. Goal is to draw a
picture discovering what cells to paint based on numbers on the left and top of
the picture.
Stack Mates
A word game where you move randomly stacked letters to form words. The computer selects words from categories such as Yellow Pages (tm), Common Words, Geography, French Words, etc and randomly places letters into stacks.
FreeGamia SAO Memory Game
Memory Game with your favorite characters from the anime "Sword Art Online". On the field of twenty cards, find pairs of identical cards with minimal number of attempts.
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Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
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