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Spreadsheet Consolidator
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Vendor Price: $ 69.95
License: Shareware
File Size: 2.83 Mb
Version: 2.0
Release Date:
23 May 2007
OS: Win98, WinME, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003
System Requirements:
Microsoft Excel 2000 or more
Company: Jabsoft
If your problem involves big volumes of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and requirements for flexibility in consolidation then Spreadsheet Consolidator is the accurate tool for you.
Spreadsheet Consolidator is an add-in for Microsoft Excel which will allow you to consolidate spreadsheet data from one or several sheets from one or many open workbooks, easily and quickly.
Save yourself a lot of time and effort, right now, downloading â?? for free - our trial software for you to test. You will be delighted!
Spreadsheet Consolidator is a part of Excel Model Builder wherefore, if you purchase this product you will be able to upgrade it paying only the difference.
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