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Editor's choice
Last Of Time
Little resident Elven roams the forest in a dangerous journey, with Orcs lurking

Samurai Solitare
Became as wise and patient as a real Samurai playing solitaire!

"Arcalands" is a new generation of Arkanoid.

FreeGamia Welcome To The Earth
In the year 2018, planet Earth is suddenly in jeopardy.

FreeGamia Battle Ground 3D
Check out our new arcade battle tank shooter, BattleGround3D. There are 36 level

Ultra Boy
In a galaxy far, far away, on a small, friendly planet known as Verivell, life..

Battle of Words
This is our Special Offer, extended use game. Purchase this game for yoursel...

Software downloads: Games / Crosswords & Puzzles

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  1. PowerXGames Theater
  2. Extreme Injector
  3. King-war Online
  4. Sakura Day Mahjong
  5. Intrepid Racers
  6. Need For Extreme 2
  7. Snake Game
  8. Speculator: The Stock Trading Simulation
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Picture Spy Girls