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Terrain for Rhino 3.0 free download at Unix

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Terrain for Rhino - Terrain modeling plug-in for Rhinoceros...

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Vendor Price: $ 95
License: Commercial
File Size: 2.25 Mb
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 11 Oct 2004
OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, Unix
System Requirements: Rhinoceros 3.0
Company: SYCODE

Terrain for Rhino is a terrain modeling plug-in for Rhinoceros (commonly known as Rhino). This plug-in gives Rhino the ability to create a terrain mesh from a set of unordered points. The terrain mesh is created as a Delaunay Triangulation, which is regarded as the best method to create a terrain mesh from unorganized point data. Terrain for Rhino is powered by PointLib, a state of the art terrain modeling library developed by SYCODE. Terrain for Rhino is designed to be extremely user friendly and easy to use. The plug-in adds a new command to Rhino called Terrain. The Terrain command has a single parameter called Search Radius. The search radius determines the whether two points can be part of the same triangular face. If the distance between two points is larger than the search radius then they are not connected by a face. A search radius of zero will remove the connectivity constraint and all points will be connected, however far they may be from each other. The Terrain command is scriptable so that you can add it to a script to automate your modeling tasks.

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