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The Goalkeeper (Pc) download and play. Keeper, training

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Ever wanted to take the role of a great goalkeeper?

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  • Version: 1.2.2
  • Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 21/2/2008
  • Program language: English
  • Program System Requirements: OpenGL Driver
  • OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinXP, Windows2000
  • Primary Download: download link
  • Secondary Download: download link 2
  • Company: Winter Wolves
  • Description:
    Ever wanted to take the role of a great goalkeeper? Now with The Goalkeeper game you can! Create your own goalkeeper, choosing between Handling, Reflexes, Jumping and Charisma skill. Then select your starting team from 6 different leagues.

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Freeware Downloads - The Goalkeeper (Pc) download and play - Keeper, training