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Vendor Price: $ 19
License: Shareware
File Size: 0.58 Mb
Release Date:
30 Aug 2002
OS: Win95, Win98, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000
System Requirements:
Company: Fanix Software
UniKey is a unique Unicode keyboard utility that helps users type any Latin-based UNICODE characters on US keyboard in almost all Windows 2000 applications by using only thirteen unique diacritic keys. With introducing of Windows 2000 operating system, you are now able to include all different characters from the World in your document - thanks to the Unicode support. But if you want to type a foreign character (other than English, for example, the Ç (C-cedilla) or Ü (u-diaeresis)), you may need to install a keyboard driver for that language. The keyboard driver will re-assign your keyboard layout in order to let you type the language specific characters that are not available directly on the US keyboard. However, it also interferes with your habit: you may get now a quite strange character instead of a certain expected character after a familiar keystroke. For example, you will get 'Y' character when you type 'Z' key and vice versa on the French layout of your US keyboard. Therefore you must switch back and forth between English layout and the layout of your foreign language all the time. Different keyboard drivers have different layouts, so you have to remember quite a lot of different key assignments if you are working with more than two languages at a time. As a result, your typing speed is decreased significantly, and your life is unhappy. UniKey is written to help you overcome this kind of inconvenience: UniKey lets you type all Latin-based Unicode characters with only thrteen unique diacritic keys. Once you are familiar with these 13 keys, you can type any foreign language in the same way, same speed and as comfortable as you do in English!
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DISLIN for Salford FTN90
DISLIN is a high-level and easy to use plotting library for displaying data as curves, bar graphs, pie charts, 3D-colour plots, surfaces, contours and maps. Several output formats are supported such as X11, VGA, PostScript, PDF, CGM, PNG and TIFF.
TitleBarClock Pro
Displays the Day Date Month Time Year FreeDriveSpace and Megabytes of free physical memory on the right side of the title bar in any main window that has the mouse or keyboard focus. All outputs are optional. Displays time in either 12 or 24 hour...
DSN Now!
Create ODBC Data Source Names (DSNs) on the fly with the simple click of a button
saving your company both time and money!
Allint System Info
Allows to gather system information from Windows NT-based operating systems in the LAN without installing any client-side applications or services.
Chily Offline Folder Report
Chily Offline Folder Report software examines the mailboxes of selected Domain and generates lists containing users who are working and not with OST files.
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
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