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System software designed to help analyse, configure, perfect, and maintain the computer.
Hard drives utility diagnostic tools to try the physical media.
Windows utility software tool collection to value, structure, and optimise the functionings of the computer.
Backup to Amazon package. Download now and set out transferring important data to the most reliable distant backup data storage out there. Instant access to backups and handy disaster recovery. Exclusive costs, only on SoftEmpirecom!
View screenshots
License: Freeware
File Size: 0.54 Mb
Version: 1.0
Release Date:
16 Jul 2002
OS: Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000
System Requirements:
No special requirements
Company: Aurelitec, Inc.
UninstallAbility ensures that you will always be able to uninstall unnecessary or unwanted programs from your computer. In Windows you can uninstall programs by selecting Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs. Windows keeps information about the programs that can be uninstalled from your computer in an uninstall list in the registry. As any program or anybody with a registry editor has access to this uninstall list, the list may become corrupted or even destroyed. In this case you may no longer be able to uninstall programs from your computer! UninstallAbility maintains backup copies of this list and of all uninstall information and allows you to easily restore it if necessary. UninstallAbility can also help you when a program you want to uninstall has disappeared from the uninstall list, but not from your computer. UninstallAbility can restore it from a backup copy so that you can remove it from your computer.
More to download:
Advanced Uninstaller PRO
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the most complete uninstaller program ever created. You can uninstall programs completely and quickly using its simple and easy interface. You can also remove items that other uninstallers can't even touch.
CreateInstall is a versatile and powerful installer for both expert and novice developers. With CreateInstall, you can create fully featured installation programs for your applications, yielding tightly packed self-extracting archives and more.
Remote Installer
Remote Installer is a program that silently installs and uninstalls software on remote computers at the click of a button. Install and uninstall software on remote computers without having to wait. Why should you choose Remote Installer?
Ability FTP Server
Advanced, secure and easy to use FTP Server. Featuring 128-bit SSL, Remote Admin, disk quota limits, bandwidth restrictions, IP restrictions, virtual folders, resume support, real time activity viewer, real time control and much more.
Ability Mail Server
Ability Mail Server is an advanced, secure and high performing mail server. Featuring SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, WebMail, Remote Admin, LDAP, SSL, SPAM Protection, Antivirus Protection, Content Filtering, ODBC and much more.
Full featured customer realtionship and contact management software, this organiser and opportunity management package can improve everyones business or personal time management...
Frostbow Home Inventory Pro
A home inventory program for cataloging, and tracking possessions. Store detailed information on each item in your home, including multiple photos and descriptive text. Generate and print inventory reports for insurance records.
System Backup Restore Software
At the time, when your Windows XP system restore not working use our system backup restore software to restore Windows backup database which corrupts due to some reasons like: Virus attacks, system malfunction, hardware error, system failure etc.
Open and BKF Recovery Tool
Regular back up of important data from the system is very important in order to escape from any problems. But, you must be aware about these backup files (.bkf) because they are also prone to get corrupt and thus you want bkf recovery tool.
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
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