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VeeSee Hardware Information
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Vendor Price: $ 19.95
License: Shareware
File Size: 3.87 Mb
Release Date:
25 May 2010
OS: WinXP, Windows2003
System Requirements:
Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista
Company: Vee Software Corp.
VeeSee® Hardware Information is a utility designed to display hardware information. The main function of VeeSee® Hardware Information are viewing the current hardware?s information, such as the detailed information of CPU, mainboard, memory, graphics card, display?; viewing the raw date about I/O, and the data in physical memory; managing the drive to revert files when necessary and keeping computer monitored. Its ease in use interface and auto show pitched on professional words in Google/Yahoo search are both helpful for amateur. No matter a professional or an amateur, they will both fit for our VeeSee® Hardware Information.
VeeSee® Hardware Information's main features are offered below, then users can know our products more quickly.
1. Backup driver and restore driver
1.1 NVIDIA network bus enumerator
1.2 Display adapters
1.3 IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers
1.4 Network adapters
1.5 System devices
1.6 VSO devices
2. Detect the current hardware?s information. (Detailed parameters of hardware)
2.1 Show current information about this computer
2.2 Show mainboard information, like CPUID, processor, BIOS, motherboard, memory...
2.3 Display storage information, like logical driver, physical driver...
2.4 Show network, multimedia and Windows' general information.
2.5 Check out the company information of the hardware, such as AMD and nVIDIA and offer link to their homepage.
3. Dynamic monitor computer hardware in graph.
3.1 Computer devices' temperature
3.2 Speed of fan
3.3 The voltage of the computer devices
3.4 CPU usage and memory usage
4. Display sensor icons automatically.
5. View raw date about I/O, and the data in physical memory.
6. Report all information about your computer and save as TEXT format
7. Report current node information and save as TEXT format
8. Display sensor icons automatically
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