Editor's choice |
VizAcc Diary
Diary with diary/calendar/free-form word processor, sticky notes...
Here is an answer to web graphics creators who wanted to work with more soph...
HTML5 News Scroller DW Extension
HTML5 RSS News Scroller, Dreamweaver extension, HTML5 news scroller
Java HTTP Client
Java HTTP client plug in compatible with JDK HttpUrlConnection; supports NTLM V2
PolyImage Library
The PolyImage Image Processing Library is an ActiveX control that provides i...
Agama Web Menus
DHTML Menu Builder which enable you to create perfect web menus of all kinds
Barcode VCL Component
Create, view and print barcode for your applications as easy as typing the code
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View screenshots
License: Freeware
File Size: 12.02 Mb
Version: 3.0.4a
Release Date:
9 Oct 2009
OS: WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, Windows Vista Ultimate
System Requirements:
.Net framework 2.0 , IIS 5/6/7
Company: VevoCart.com
VevoCart is a comprehensive ASP.Net shopping cart software solution with full e-Commerce features enabling your business to sell products and services online.
More to download:
CSUpload Controls Package
CSUpload control package is a powerful ASP.NET 2.0 File Upload control, the package contains CSUpload and CSUploadProgressPanel controls to empower your web application with strong files uploading features.
Agama Web Buttons
Professional tool for creating Web Buttons. With this software you can create a variety of 2D and 3D glassy, metallic, plastic and even XP or Vista style buttonss. HTML & Java Script is automatically created! Creating roll-over and animated butt
FLV to MP3 Converter
FLV to MP3 Converter is a free and easy-to-use tool to extract and convert audio data from Flash FLV files, it is one useful flash tool from www.flvtomp3converter.com, it can save as MP3 audio file, and support batch conversion.
Windows Backup |
Looking for backup software? Try Handy Backup - automatic data backup to DVD, CD, FTP, network, or Online. Client-server enterprise backup software.
Top Downloads |
Download, save and convert Redtube videos ( redtube.com ) to your PC
PhotoScape is an all-in-one style photo editor with fun and ease of use.
Convert any format video files with fast speed and excellent video quality.