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- Version: 5.0.1
- Date (dd/mm/yyyy): 8/2/2010
- Program System Requirements: 32Mb RAM, 10Mb disk space, any Windows OS
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- Company: Recover ipod Songs
- Description:
iPod data recovery software recover and restore deleted mp3 mp4 music video songs. User can recover data from all Apple iPod models and restore all audio, video, image and document files. Ipod data recovery tool is compatible with all Windows OS
Recover Deleted iPod Files
iPod files recovery software recovers corrupted and deleted mp3 files, pictures, audio- video songs, and photos from all iPods generation models. iPod multimedia files recovery utility provides step by step installation with automatic help manual.
Get Back Deleted Files Tool
Get back deleted file tool use to recover and restore deleted file & folder from formatted, damaged hard drive, pen drive, memory card, etc. This get back deleted file tool has an ability to get back data with in its original form.
Miniature Card Recovery
Professional Miniature Card Recovery software has capability to retrieve deleted image, erased document, misplaced file, missed data, omitted file and folder due to virus infection from various branded memory cards available in market in less time.
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PhotoScape is an all-in-one style photo editor with fun and ease of use.
Convert any format video files with fast speed and excellent video quality.