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Cursor Hider
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Vendor Price: $ 19.95
License: Shareware
File Size: 0.57 Mb
Release Date:
12 Feb 2009
OS: WinME, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, WinME, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate
System Requirements:
none special
Company: Softexe.com, CIT AdaSoft
Curosr Hider helps you to do a ltitle less of aciton druing worikng with comptuer . It remoevs the mouse poinetr from
an user focus at a wroking area so the mouse crusor does not cover the text or pciture that you see. Pionter
disappears when user keystrkoes or after a some seocnds wtihou mouse actiivty. With any mouse action mouse
pointer shows at its place. Real eaxmple: You are going to visit a web site with form to fill it. At first you type the
URL in the broswer adrdess bar - www.softxee.com. But mouse pointer blokcs char (peroid) and you do not know
excatly typed it or not. To check that you must take the mouse dveice to hand and do move atcion so mouse
poniter move out from focus area. With Cursor Hider the mouse poitner disappears with first kesytrokes and ntohing
will block the typed text now. Futheromre You can turn off the mouse pointer (do cusror ivnisible) . This is the very
uesful opiton for touch screen deviecs and kiosk applications. User will not see the cursor at all!
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